Agugwe Village Water
Location: Agugwe Village, Moyo, Uganda
Walking for water adds 3 hours to a woman’s workday.
Agugwe Village is located in a remote area in the West Nile District of Moyo Province, Uganda. The village has approximately 1,241 residents and a primary school. Prior to this project the village has never had a reliable source of water. There was an existing tank that collected rainwater from the school roof but it fell into disrepair years ago. Women and school children walked approximately one mile down a steeply inclined road to collect water from a stream into jerry cans (weighing 40 lbs). They would then carry these cans, on their heads, back up the hill to their huts. This process would take about 2 hours and occurred several times a day. This consumed the majority of a mother’s day and contributed to an average workday of 15 hours and prevented the ability to dedicate time to other activities.
Pipeline Worldwide installed a pump in an existing concrete tank that would pump water to the village via solar power. This project has changed the lives of the entire village, saving countless hours of labor and reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.

Completed initial project including:
Solar powerhouse
Pump house
3,000 M pipeline up to village
10,000 L tank at village
Added supply line to school water tank